Diabetes Diet Plan
Most important aspects of diabetes treatment and management are healthy diet and regular exercise. Before we discuss on diabetes diet, let us see the cause of diabetes.
Blood sugar level increases for diabetic patient because either body fails to generate enough insulin or fails to utilize body's own insulin in an appropriate way.
Diabetic Diet focuses in controlling the blood sugar. A healthy-eating plan which suits your needs will achieve more than that. Diabetes diet is simply a balanced healthy diet which is imperative for diabetic treatment.
Carbohydrates have the greatest influence on blood sugar levels that's why diabetes patients should be careful about consumption of carbohydrate. Control diabetes and total calorie intake is the main theme of diabetes diet.
Do not eat more than the amount prescribed in your diabetes diet plan. If you take excess calories, it will result in excess fat and excess weight. For type 2 diabetic patient, excess body fat means less sensitivity to insulin. Your dietitian prescribe the appropriate amount of food you require, depending on body structure, and blood sugar levels.
It is absolutely wrong to assume, a diabetic has to start eating special foods or follow a complicated diet plan. It also assists to prevent diabetes patient from heart and blood vessel related diseases
In terms of food and diets, carbohydrates are classified into simple and complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide energy to the body. Carbohydrate or carb counting gives a person control over their blood sugar levels and allows them to plan their day rather than be controlled by high or low blood sugar levels.
The diabetic diet prescribed differs from person to person, depending on their nutritional needs, lifestyle, the action and timing of medications, height, weight, age, sex, physical activity and nature of diabetes.
diet for Type 1 diabetic, focuses mainly on food intake corresponding to insulin whereby one needs to know when insulin max out and how fast the body metabolizes different type of foods.
One has also to consider complications such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels. There is no common diet that works for everyone nor there is any particular diet that works perfectly for any diabetic over a long period. The guiding principle for Diabetes diet is the same not considering whether it is Type I, Type II diabetes or Gestational diabetes. In take of food which help lower blood cholesterol. Main objective of diabetic diet is to maintain ideal body weight, by providing adequate nutrition along with normal blood sugar levels in blood.
What Are the Foods to Avoid For Diabetics?
This disease compels you to include diet for diabetics forget some foods and it demands your diet to be something that is high in soluble fibers and low in saturated fats. A doctor can suggest foods to avoid for diabetics and consume less carbohydrate products because it might contain high glycemic index.
Then, you have to adopt a plan of diet for diabetics as new food habit. Adding of slight amount of non-fat or low-fat dairy items is fine but it shouldn't cross the limit for it has fats and sugars listed under foods to avoid for diabetics.
To have a perfect diet for your diabetic case, please consult with a dietitian or nutritionist. Try to consume proper foods to lower high blood sugar but you must also be aware enough to keep on hand the list of very salty foods to avoid for diabetics. This is so because high blood pressure along with high blood sugar is something common in such patients. Also, avoid foods like crackers, chips, processed or conserved meet products, or canned foods like sardines or soups because they contain extra sodium and salt.
Cardiovascular diseases often follow diabetic cases. So, avoid dairy products, solid vegetable fats, and butter because they have saturated fats. Oils obtain from canola or olive can be good for lowering elevated blood sugar levels.
It is suggestive to choose the diets for diabetics such as skimmed, low-fat, or non-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt than full cream products. It is strictly forbidden foods to avoid for diabetics with fried foods and rather boil and bake or simply broil it.