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Managing Diabetes

Managing Diabetes

To keep blood sugar levels under control, a diabetic diet strikes a balance among the carbohydrates, fats, and protein you take in.


Carbohydrates are the source of energy that starts with glucose, the sugar in your bloodstream, and includes substances containing many sugar molecules called complex carbohydrates, starches, cellulose, and gums. Carbohydrates comprise the highest source of blood sugar and are the primary fuel for your body and brain. Fat:

Fats should contain no more than the 30% of the daily basis calorie count. The dietary key to managing cholesterol, then, lies in understanding fats and oils.

Reducing the consumption of saturated fats and trans-fatty acids is the number one step in managing weight and cholesterol. To manage these fats it is important to understand both saturated fats and trans fatty acids. Saturated fats are found in animal products and dairy products. Trans-fatty acids are created through a process called hydrogenation. These fats can be found in stick margarine and in fast foods, baked goods and white breads.


Protein is another element that is important to take account of in the diabetic diet. Protein foods do not raise your blood sugar, so you can add more fish, eggs, meat, etc with your meals. Protein is limited to 15-20% of the total calorie requirement of the body. The protein food with its own natural fat tends to hold onto the food longer so that your blood sugar doesn't spike and then drop immediately.

A diabetic diet can be customized to suit each patient's preferences, and a nutritionist can help with this. This type of diet should also take into consideration the medical condition, lifestyle and eating habits of the diabetic patient.

Diabetes Diet Plan


Diabetes Diet Plan

Carbohydrates have the greatest influence on blood sugar levels that's why diabetes patients should be careful about consumption of carbohydrate.

In simple words, blood sugar level increases for diabetic patient because either body fails to generate enough insulin or fails to utilize body's own insulin in an appropriate way.

Do you know importance of calorie in diabetic diet plan?

In simple word – it is eating right. A balanced diet consists of carbohydrates, fat and protein and required total calorie is 1200. In a 1200-calorie diabetes diet plan, 600 calories comes from carbohydrates and that means 1 gram of carbohydrate equals 4 calories. What's relation between serving sizes and diabetes

Do not eat more than the amount prescribed in your diabetes diet plan. If you take excess calories, it will result in excess fat and excess weight. For type 2 diabetic patient, excess body fat means less sensitivity to insulin. Your dietitian prescribe the appropriate amount of food you require, depending on body structure, and blood sugar levels.

Article Source: Arindam_Chattopadhyaya


Diet For Diabetes

Diet is the first and the best natural cures for diabetes patients.

This kind of diet will reduce diabetes blood sugar levels;

reduce intake of insulin levels, and lesser the need for medications.

It will also help to reduce weight, reduce blood pressure;

this cures the diabetes and supports body's overall health and energy.

Eating a handful of groundnuts everyday will helps the diabetic patients

and taking honey daily basis also will help them to reduce diabetes.

Juices of tomato, Rose apple, Lemon, Cucumber, Bitter gour, Spinach, Carrot,

and Cabbage are helpful to cures the diabetes in natural way.

Article Source: Prakash_Kannan

Natural Therapy For Diabetes

Dietary and nutritional advice will help all families with children with diabetes,

A naturopath may recommend supplementing your child's diet

with magnesium and chromium, which are important

for the uptake of insulin and glucose tolerance in the body.

Herbal medicine may also be recommended.

And although fasting, which is often used as a means of cleansing the body,

is not appropriate for children with diabetes,

the principles of healthy living can certainly be adopted,

and will undoubtedly boost the immune system,

which in turn will help the body to fight off infections more readily

and keep blood glucose levels more stable.

Article Source: Cindy_Chung